
Lollipop Photo Valentines

Simple, Easy, DIY Valentines with a Treat!

By Jennifer So, Publisher, Macaroni Kid Birmingham-Troy February 10, 2019
Printer or Photo Print Service
Precision Knife or Scissors


1. Take a photo of your child with his/her arm reaching forward in a vertical fist. You’ll want to be looking at a downward angle toward your child, with his/her fist slightly forward, to create an effect that will make the fist look larger. Create a fun background behind your child with decorations, or do this digitally later.

2. (Optional) Use design software or a free design website to add text or a fun background.

3. Print the photos.

4. Cut slits at the top and bottom of your child’s fist, and insert the lollipop so the stick goes behind the fist.

5. Pass out to friends and enjoy!

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