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Choosing a Camp

Don't Delay

April 18, 2017

I don't want to make you nervous, but the most common months for Summer Camp sign up are December-March. So if you haven't begun your selection process, you may want to start soon, and space fills up quick!

First you should decide if you are going to a day camp or a sleep away camp.

Sleep away camps provide a summer residential program where campers enjoy daily and evening activities. Depending on what you choose, camp can last from one week to an entire summer.

Things to consider:

Is your child ready for a sleep away experience? Practice having your child be away from you by sending them for a weekend at Grandma's or a friend's house.  A child with nighttime fears is probably not ready for sleep away camp.

What is night time security like?

How many kids to a cabin and how many counselors to a cabin?

What are the total costs of sleep away camp?

Once you decide if you are a day camper of are resident camper, you can begin choosing a summer camp that supports and highlights your child's interests. 

There is a wide variety to choose from like art camps, horseback riding clinics, cheer leading camps, dance camps, camps for Scouts, and even specialized camps, including those for people with disabilities or special needs. Aside from sports and scout camps you can locate a camp that will include everything from art and music to science.

You should have no problem selecting a camp that matches your child's needs, interests and personality. Fishing and computers? Dirt bike racing and snorkeling? Tennis and dancing? There is a camp out there that is right for your child.