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25 Outdoor Fun Ideas

By Anna Hall September 19, 2017
Take A Child Outside Week, a national initiative spearheaded by the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, runs September 24-30 each year. These ideas are good for anytime the weather is ice, though. Designed to help break down obstacles that keep children from exploring the natural world, the week encourages children and adults to spend time together outdoors. It was inspired by Richard Louv’s book Last Child in the Woods, which identifies the benefits of outdoor experiences for children and addresses some of the problems of what he terms “Nature Deficit Disorder,” such as increased feelings of stress, trouble paying attention, and feelings of being disconnected from the world.

The Take A Child Outside web site offers lots of ideas for interesting outdoor activities designed to help reconnect children and the natural world. “Free time in nature has been shown to improve every area of a child’s life, from having healthier, stronger bodies, to being more successful in school, to having better relationships in their community,” says Liz Baird, director of education for the Museum and the program’s founder. “Time outside every day should be part of your regular routine.” 

It doesn't need to be complicated or pre-planned; here are 25 ideas of fun things to do outside together as a family:

Go to the park.
Take a hike.
Blow bubbles.
Go apple picking.
Have an outdoor picnic.
Fly kites.
Chalk the driveway.
Try geocaching.
Go on a color scavenger hunt.
Camp out in the backyard.
Ride bikes.
Star gaze.
Collect leaves.
Canoe or kayak.
Go fishing.
Play outdoor games.
Visit a new playground.
Roast marshmallows over a campfire.
Wash the car.
Play ball.
Make mud pies.
Watch birds.
Feed ducks.
Go garage sale shopping.
Attend an outdoor event.

For more information about the “Take a Child Outside” initiative, visit www.takeachildoutside.org.