
Tips for Travelling with a Special Needs Child

By Carissa Garabedian, Publisher of Macaroni Kid Richmond, and July 9, 2018

Whether on a train, plane, or automobile, there are things we can try to do to make traveling a little better. Even if it is a car ride that is only a few hours, with some planning, the experience may be more positive for everyone involved. Travel can be a challenge anyway, adding our special needs children to this is an additional layer.

My biggest tip is to plan and prepare! Here's how you do that.

Have a checklist. There are apps that can help with this too. One that I love is Packpoint. It is very organized and even tells you the temperature at your destination. Keep everything on your list. There is no such thing as too much planning. Think about special foods, medications, any equipment, documents, extra clothing, and even a favorite toy -- all that you need to be sure you have everything to offer comfort and entertain.

If you are traveling by train or auto, you will have more flexibility with what you bring with you. If traveling by plane, don’t forget about the security measures and sizes you can have in-flight. The TSA website has all the info you need about air travel check-ins.

Packing. Have extra items of clothing in case you need them, it will be better to have them with you than to have to buy them while away. If you are lucky enough to have a washer and dryer at your destination -- even better! Have some comfort items for your child, a favorite pair of pajamas, book, or t-shirt. Think about small items to entertain too and download some favorite TV shows, movies, or games. Bring a deck of cards or coloring supplies to keep them busy if you can't use the electronics. 

Prep before. See if you can Pre-check in for a flight, pre-board, and deplane early if need be. Let the hotel know of any special needs or requests. If you'd rather be on a lower level floor to eliminate long waits on elevators, ask them.

Prepare Your Child. The change in routine may bring stress, so the more you can do to help prepare, the better off everyone will be. Social Stories may help along with a visual calendar to count the days. Showing pictures of the destination and things you will be doing while away may also be helpful. We show our son the date we will return home so he has that info as well. An app that does a great social story for travel is Model Me Going Places.

Plan For The Unknown. Just in case, we need to have info and cover all bases. It is what we try to do every day! Have resources. Have your doctor write a letter stating your child's diagnosis. Some of our children have an “invisible” diagnosis and having that letter may prove helpful at the airport, hotel, or somewhere else.

Look into resources at your destination and know where there is a doctor or facility in case an emergency arises.

Participate! Be a part of all you can. Communicate as much as you can and breathe. You deserve to have a wonderful vacation. It may take extra steps to prepare and we may have more unknown moments, but we can do it! It is just as important for us to create family memories and our children deserve the same opportunities.

I hope that all who have any plans for travel find these tips helpful. Along with all of this, please allow yourself a little alone time. Have a plan with your travel partner to take a walk alone or a take a bath or get a spa service, if that can be a possibility. Nothing helps us be ready for the day and taking care of our loved ones more than starting by taking the time to take care of ourselves.

Carissa Garabedian is the publisher of and mother to a special needs child in Richmond, Virginia. Carissa also publishes the award-winning Macaroni Kid of Richmond, VA.

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