
Halloween Fun Food with the Kiddos

By Macaroni Kid Roseville-Rocklin-Lincoln and Citrus Heights October 21, 2018

Each holiday we make a bunch of "Fun Food". The kids love to help out. We had our Fun Food Making Night last weekend, and we had so much fun. When I told them what we were doing earlier in the week, they were so excited, and wanted to get started right then, but they had to be patient and wait for the weekend. 

I'm not gonna lie...this is a bit of a messy project. This year I laid out newspaper all over the table, then cut large pieces of wax paper for each of them to work on. This made it so much easier to clean than just the wax paper at each space. A disposable table cloth would work too. The idea being once they are all done, and any extra supplies put away, the entire thing can be rolled up and thrown away, leaving your table clean.

I set up the kids stations, putting a little of each "ingredient" at each of their stations, so they each have the same things to work with, and they don't keep asking for or getting up continually to get more supplies. In the middle I put the things they will all share. That usually includes sprinkles, melted candy disks in various colors, and frosting.


I start planning a week or so ahead of time by searching my Pinterest boards and finding things I think they will like to try. I print out the photos so that they have some ideas. Then I check my at-hand supplies and make a list of all the things I will need to buy. These are all the supplies I gathered up for this day. Some of the supplies were for my projects (I like to make things, too, and I do some before, during, and after they do theirs), so it looks like more than what you will see they used.

Even though they have "inspiration" from the photos I print out, they like to put their own take on their projects and they are quite creative. The fun thing with the Halloween treats is it doesn't matter at all. They end up with a lot of fun monsters. As they get older I may start doing more guided projects if they want, but for now, I love to see all what they come up with.

Here's the 3 kids finished projects:

These are some of my favorites

The best part of doing this? The big smiles while they are making them, and how proud they are of their creations! If your kids like to make craft projects, they will like doing something like this, too!

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