
10 Things to Do When You Are Stuck Inside

By Laurie Corbett, Publisher, Macaroni Kid South Shore Boston February 17, 2019

Here are several ideas if you're stuck inside because of snow and when it's just too cold or rainy. Many people around the country are finding themselves stuck inside at home due to bitter cold temperatures and/or the inability to travel due to snow. Here are some fun things we like to do when we can't go outside.

Bring Some Snow Inside - one of our favorite things to do when we can't go outside it to bring the snow inside to us. Whether it is a big pile of it in the tub for building mini snowmen or painting it with watercolors, it's always a fun activity when we can't go outside to play. If you go up to the snow and don't have time to do this while you are staying there, you can bring some snow back home in an ice chest.

Read - bad weather days are a great chance to snuggle up and read together or independently. According to a Common Sense Media report published in 2014 "parents can encourage reading by keeping print books in the home, reading themselves, and setting aside time daily for their children to read." So, grab a book and take a little time to do something just for you - turns out you are helping your kids by doing it! 

Teach Your Kids to Tie Their Shoes - seems silly, but you can do it in less than a minute with one simple trick that we shared HERE back in August.

Have a Dance Party - turn on your favorite music, get moving and make up for the gym workout you missed because of the snow. Plus, you'll have a blast with your kids doing it!

Make Modeling Dough - there are a ton of different recipes for making your own dough. 

Make Slime - feeling really adventurous? Take it up a notch from dough to slime!  

Clean Out Your Clothes - while this one isn't a ton of fun, if your dressers and drawers are bulging at the seams, snow days are a great time to sort out clothes that no longer fit or aren't being worn anymore. 

Make Snowflakes - almost any arts and crafts supplies can be made into a fun snowflake making craft session. Try paper, craft sticks, and more.

Play Board Games - snow days are a great chance to play board games, especially ones that take a little more time or have complicated directions you haven't had the chance to read yet. 

Set Some Goals for 2018 - we're not into resolutions, but a bad weather day is a perfect time to brainstorm some goals. We particularly love family goals and our big one for this year is to do 52 hikes in 52 weeks.

Quick links to get you where you want to go:

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