
Simple Summer Fun

Keep then Busy without Breaking the Bank

By Sara-Lynne Levine July 25, 2019

Outdoor play doesn’t have to be expensive. Here are some fun and easy ideas to get the kids outside and exploring. Most of the supplies you need can be found at the dollar store and many you may already have in the house!

Explore with a magnifying glass - Give your child a magnifying glass and send them into the backyard to explore. They’ll be amazed at how things look. It’s all about perspective.

Paint the town - Provide your child with a paintbrush and a bucket of water. Painting bricks on the house, drawing on the driveway or turning the car into a canvas will entertain your child, without the lasting effects of a color change, and keep them cool.

Chalk it up - Turn your driveway into a blackboard. Whether they are practicing their letters, playing hangman, drawing a garden or (the old standard) hopscotch, the driveway is the perfect surface to let their imaginations run wild.

Have a ball - A simple ball can be the beginning of countless games and activities. Never underestimate a simple bouncy ball or your child’s imagination.

Quick links to get you where you want to go:

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