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Make this Cute Cupcake Cake

By Sarah Hauge, Publisher of Macaroni Kid, Englewood, Greenwood Village, Centennial May 31, 2023

Make these fun pull-apart cupcake treats!


  • Cupcakes (10)
  • Frosting
  • Peanut Butter or Caramel chips
  • Chocolate chips or chocolate bar
  • Blue and black gel icing


  1. Arrange your cupcakes in the general shape of Hank's face. See the photo above for how we arranged ours.
  2. Mix the peanut butter, caramel, and chocolate chips with the frosting to create different color tones to use for Hank's fur.
  3. Spread your frosting across the cupcakes using a fork to give the illusion of fur.
  4. Use gel icing to add details like the eyes, eyebrows, and smile.
  5. Share your creation with a crowd!