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Fun in the Sun at Placer Nature Center

Time to Sign Up for Summer Camps

April 11, 2023

Summer Camps will begin in the middle of June and continue for six weeks with a new focus each week such as Geology, Howlers, Pollinators, Dirt Made My Lunch, Dino Days, and Water World. We have expanded access because they filled up last year. Partial scholarships are available due to funding from local clubs. Check the website for more information and dates, or subscribe to the email list to be the first to know! Sign up now before the slots are full!

After a busy fall and winter, Placer Nature Center is gearing up for an abundantly productive year ahead. Local schools are going to PNC for field trips, and having fun learning about the environment. 

During the pandemic, we began to offer weekly preschool programs and after-school programs, upon request. ``We've found that our small group programs offer so much to families, and to the staff at PNC,” remarks Executive Director Kathy Davidson. “We love having the same kids with us week after week, growing with us and observing the changing seasons.”

Imagine kids planting acorns to grow oak trees, building survival structures, and identifying animal tracks and you have an introduction to our weekly Afterschool and Preschool Programs. Schedule and registration forms are on their website: www.placernaturecenter.org.

The nonprofit also took advantage of the slow season by working on its infrastructure. Thanks to enthusiastic volunteers, Placer Nature Center has been rebuilding the First People’s Village which was damaged during the past several years by falling trees. On their Volunteer Days we erected two new cedar bark houses called Hu (or Ho) in Nisenan. We are looking for volunteers to help weave acorn storage baskets as part of the display.

The PNC Garden Committee has planted new and additional native plants in the gardens. They are developing identification tags and hope to include QR codes so individuals can learn about the plants using an app on their phones.

The PNC Garden Series is starting up once again, beginning with Composting and continuing through May. The workshops will be led by Master Gardener Richard Huntley with support from PNC team members.

PNC is recruiting Docents and Board Members. If you have a few hours a month you could spare and enjoy being around positive people and introducing new ideas about nature to kids, contact kdavidson@placernaturecenter.org for more information.

Placer Nature Center exists due to the support of the community. The Big Day of Giving will occur on May 4th and we are hoping you will continue to support us with a donation.

To get in on the action, visit their website at www.placernaturecenter.com. The public event schedule is listed on the website, and you can contact them to sign up for a private program. 

New events pop up regularly so stay posted to their website, at www.placernaturecenter.org to be the first to know what's new.

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3700 Christian Valley Rd. Auburn, CA  95602


(530) 878-6053