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Combine Exercise and Outdoor Adventures with Lectric eBikes

Get outside and get to where you want to go, with whatever and whomever you want to take with you!

May 24, 2023

BUSY. That's the first word that comes to my mind when someone asks "How are things?" Too busy to cook, too busy to clean, and too busy to do laundry. Certainly too busy to exercise! 

I know I'm not the only mom who feels stuck in the rut of endless carpooling, way too many mismatched socks (seriously, HOW???), and last minute trips for school project supplies. But us moms always make time for the things that are really important, and for each of us those things are different. Exercise has never made it to the top of that list for me. 

Don't get me wrong — I love walking, especially outside in my area where it's relatively quiet and the scenery is beautiful. However, if I only have 30 minutes or so, I'm not going to get very far, and to be honest, it can be rather boring to take the same route day after day, so when I had the chance to try out a Lectric eBike, I realized this might be a form of exercise that could really work for me!

The author received a bike to facilitate this review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are the author's own.

Where I live, you'll find a lot of rugged terrain and A LOT of hills. This pretty much makes biking an impossibility for me. I wouldn't get very far in the short amount of time that I have for exercise. 

Couple that with the fact that I often have my daughter in tow. The added weight in a bike seat would normally be too much for this out-of-shape mom to handle! 

Enter Lectric eBikes. This company states their purpose as:

"To change people’s lives by increasing their mobility in a fun and memorable fashion, while being energy efficient."

Sounds like the perfect fit for me! I anxiously awaited the arrival of my new XPedition cargo eBike, and was impressed when it came mostly assembled. All I had to do was pop on the seat, pedals, and handlebars and I was off!

My first ride was on the nature trail behind my house. I set a timer for 30 minutes and pedaled away — yes,  you can ride this as a regular bike! The pedal-assist feature needs to be turned on, so this gives you options in addition to the seven gears the XPedition has, making it great for any biking enthusiast. 

On this ride I used a combination of the pedal-assist and throttle mode to tackle the terrain and distance I hoped to cover. It took some getting used to, since it's heavier than an average bike, which you'll notice when you ride it without taking advantage of the eFeatures.

At my halfway point I had gone further than I have ever gotten on one of my walks. I was truly enjoying the sense of adventure this eBike afforded me! Now my 30-minute exercise allotment goes by in a flash and I am enjoying every minute!

This dual-battery XPedition Cargo eBike from Lectric eBikes can ride up to 150 miles on a single charge! While I'm not feeling that ambitious yet, it's great to know that it can handle an all-day outdoor, or even overnight camping adventure. 

Lectric eBikes has thoughtfully made several accessories available so that your eBike can become the ultimate transportation replacement. From cargo baskets and pannier bags to additional seating configurations, your eBike can take you wherever you want to go, with whatever and whomever you want to take with you! 

With the 450 pound load capacity, I was able to comfortably take my 7-year-old and my 11-year-old together on a ride to our local park for a picnic. We talked about how AWESOME it's going to be to take our new eBike down the shore this summer. The cargo accessories will make getting back and forth to the beach with all of our gear a breeze! 

Although I initially looked to this electronic bike simply as a means of exercise for someone who doesn't love exercise, now that I've spent some time on the XPedition Cargo eBike, I can see that it offers so much more. 

Summertime and outdoor adventure season can't come soon enough for me, and I know my family will be putting this cargo bike from Lectric eBikes to good use over the next few months. But for now, back to matching those socks! 

If you're looking for a way to add some exercise and adventure to your life with an eBike that can grow with your family, check out the many options and customizations that Lectric eBikes has to offer!