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California International School Scholarships Available

May 29, 2023

California International School, a fully accredited STEAM-focused, project-based learning school is offering scholarship opportunities for exceptional math and science students who will be entering the Third Grade or the Fifth Grade.
Click this link to sign up for testing: Scholarship Testing Sign Up
Call for more information: 916-521-6414 and ask for Katrina Duke

Two test dates available:

• May 31st 9:00 am

• June 14th 2:30 pm


STEM Scholar (math and Science)

Only one Winner per grade—highest test score and best project score will be awarded the scholarship.

One Year Award: $6000

Minimum Qualifying Criteria:

• Score 93% or above on the Science and Mathematics academic tests

• Create an informational STEM project and present it to the Head of School (see attached criteria)

• Interview with the Head of School

• Letter Of Recommendation from a teacher

Math Scholar

One Year Award: $4000

Minimum Qualifying Criteria:

• Score 93% or above on an academic math test

• Interview with the Head of School

• Letter of Recommendation from a teacher

One Year Award: $3000

Minimum Qualifying Criteria:

• Score 89% or above on an academic math test

• Interview with the Head of School

• Letter of Recommendation from a teacher

Science Scholar

One Year Award: $4000

Minimum Qualifying Criteria:

• Score 93% or above on an academic math test

• Interview with the Head of School

• Letter of Recommendation from a teacher

One Year Award: $3000

Minimum Qualifying Criteria:

• Score 89% or above on an academic math test

• Interview with the Head of School

• Letter of Recommendation from a teacher

*** If there are multiple testers who meet the minimum requirements, the scholarship committee makes the decision about who receives the awards.

California International School is an IB candidate school, pursuing authorization as an IB World School. IB World Schools share a common philosophy- a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education- that we believe is important for our students.

* Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programs:

The Primary Years Program (PYP), the Middle Years Program (MYP), the Diploma Program (DP), or the Career-related Program (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted.

For further information about the IB and its programs visit http://www.ibo.org.

STEM Project

1. Choose a STEM project to make and present to the Head of School. You may choose from this list of ideas or one of your own ideas.

2. Write out your procedures. What exact steps did you use to build this project?

3. You must be able to explain why the STEM activity works. What is causing the action to take place, for example:

• Design a working zipline for a plastic toy out of string and drinking straws.

• Make a bridge for miniature animals using craft sticks and binder clips.

• Build a car using a plastic bottle, wooden skewers, straws, rubber bands and power it with a balloon.

• Build a catapult that can launch a pebble using any outdoor materials you can find.

• Make a marshmallow catapult using pencils, rubber bands, a milk jug cap, pipe cleaners, and a tissue box.

• Make a trampoline using a colander, rubber bands, binder clips, toothpicks, and stretchy material.

• Make a tower strong enough to hold a basketball using only newspaper and tape.

• Recreate the 8 land and water formations using Legos.

This email is sponsored by California International School, a valued sponsor of Macaroni KID Roseville-Rocklin-Lincoln. We appreciate your support in reviewing our sponsors' emails and hope that their products and services are useful for your family. Macaroni KID Roseville-Rocklin-Lincoln is supported solely by our local sponsors. 

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