
Ring in the New Year with a Balloon Drop

By Macaroni Kid Roseville-Rocklin-Lincoln December 29, 2021
Make a Balloon Drop and watch your kids face light up!

Making a balloon drop is so easy, and it doesn't take a lot of special materials, cost a lot, or take a lot of time make. It will probably take you longer to blow up the balloons than set the balloon drop up!

What you will need:

Plastic tablecloth (paper would work, too)
Yarn or string
Hole punch
Masking or Painters tape (painters tape is easiest to remove)

Fold the tablecloth in half lengthwise. Use a paper punch, and make holes about one inch from the long edge, all the way down. Cut the tablecloth in half at the fold. Now you have 2 pieces, both with small holes along the edge of the long side. 

Lie the tablecloth pieces next to each other so that edges with the holes are next to each other. Move one tablecloth piece over slightly on top of the other one so the holes line up, and use the yarn (or string) and weave it in and out of the holes, all the way down. Make sure and leave extra yarn at the end. You will be using this yarn to pull and release the balloons, so you want to have some extra to grab on to. Don't knot either end of the yarn or you will not be able to pull it out!

Next, you need to get this secured to the ceiling. Stand on a ladder and tape the tablecloth to the ceiling. It's important to remember not to tape it flat to the ceiling! If you do, there won't be anywhere to put the balloons. The best way is to tape one long side, then go to the opposite side and tape the other long side, letting it droop in the middle. Next tape one of the short ends. Leave the last end open.

Now blow up all those balloons, if you haven't already, and stuff them in the open end of the tablecloth. Once it's full, tape that side to the ceiling. Make sure you leave that loose end of yarn easy to get to. You'll want to tape it down so it doesn't accidentally get pulled during the evening, but you still need easy access.

If you don't mind the mess, you can add confetti and streamers with the balloons!

When the clock strikes Midnight, pull the string. The two sides of the tablecloth will separate, and the balloons to come down. Just wait till you see how excited the kids are! Don't want to stay up till midnight? Netflix always has a Countdown you can "fool them with", so they can think they stayed up till midnight!


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